Mars is 2!

Monday, February 29, 2016

This post is a little late, but better late than never!

Mars turned two a few Sundays ago! We started out the day by going to a tea ceremony for J's cousin, Cynthia. We had lunch there and got to see a lot of family that we haven't seen in a long time.

Afterwards, we drove down to Palo Alto while Mars napped in the car. He woke up just in time to visit the Junior Museum and Zoo. His favorites animals were the bees, fish, raccoons, birds, and ducklings. It was a small space, so we felt comfortable letting him run around and going from exhibit to exhibit.

Afterwards, we went to the Stanford Shopping Center to pick up his birthday cupcakes from Sprinkles. We shopped around and ended up having dinner there at CPK.

When we got home, we sang happy birthday to him, and let him blow out the candles on his very own rainbow sprinkle cupcake.

Overall, Mars had a wonderful day. Happy 2nd birthday, my little guy! We love you so much and are so proud of all the learning you do everyday. At the age of two, you are already such an empathetic, funny, loving, and easy going little person, and we feel so lucky to have you everyday. 

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