3 months, 1 week, and 3 days old

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

May 24th, 2014

Baby's passport photo!

Lately, he's been putting his hands in his mouth and drooling all the time! He also had his first bout of stranger danger where he made a pouty lip face (and eventually cried) every time I walked out of the room while being held by FIL. When I held him, he would turn bury his face in my chest when the ILs tried to talk to him. Watching this little person develop and grow a personality has truly been amazing so far! 

3 months and 5 days old

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

May 19th, 2014

I can't believe M is already three months old! This was taken on a day my sister had a layover in SF and hung out with us all day. We were making dinner in the kitchen, and baby M just sat in his Bumbo, looking around with curiosity. 

It's getting less stressful to take him out nowadays! I've been driving him around and going to visit his cousin in the Inner Richmond, and he's been doing a great job!

2 months, 4 weeks, and 1 day old

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

May 13, 2014

My first Mother's Day was this past weekend. We didn't do much because I got sick, but it was nice and relaxing. In the following days, J got sick and stayed home from work a bunch of days. It was unfortunate that he was sick and had a fever, but I kind of really enjoyed him being home with us!
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