Mars is a year and a half old!
Happy half-birthday, little guy! "Happy" is a new word that he's added to his vocabulary this week and it's his way of letting us know that he's feeling good. He's also starting to wear big boy clothes now. No more onesies! This t-shirt is kinda big on him and it reminded J of Stefon from SNL!
Do you guys use the app, Timehop? I have it on my phone and it's like a daily time machine for all my social media posts up to 9 years ago. It's really interesting to see all the stuff I've been up to and to have it so well documented. Since today is Mars' half birthday, I thought I'd take a small trip down memory lane, or #flashbackfriday for those who are super hip (not me haha).
1 year ago
Mars turned 6 months old and according to an old post, he was, "wiggling around on his tummy, reaching to grab toys to put in his mouth". That is so funny to me that he used to be a little wiggly worm and could barely reach to grab things that were inches from him.
2 years ago
I was around 15 weeks pregnant, going back to work from summer break, and setting up my first grade classroom. This was around the time we started telling people we were expecting. I remember feeling so nervous those first few weeks.
3 years ago
We had just gotten back from our trip to London, Brussels, and Paris (where J proposed). I still have flashbacks of us biking through Versailles and eating the best picnic foods on a park bench. It was one of the best experiences ever.
4 years ago
I had just moved from Taipei and was enjoying my first ever SF summer right before starting a new job.
5 years ago
I was living in Taipei and our band was in the process of recording our EP. That year, we had played live on the radio, was featured in the Taipei Times, and played at the Spring Scream outdoor music festival. Those were some fun times.
6 years ago
I was packing up the Moog and getting ready to move all the way to Taiwan!
7 years ago
I was living in San Diego and going to grad school at UCSD. It felt like not that long ago, I can't believe it's been seven years.
8 years ago
I had just gotten back from Taipei and experiencing reverse culture shock. I think this was also the time when I started studying and applying for grad school.
9 years ago
I just moved to the dorms at NTU and was starting my year abroad in Taiwan! Those were some fun times.
I'm gonna stop there, cause really, I could go on forever until I reach "30 years ago". I know I'm always commenting on how "crazy" time flies, but how can I not?! It's insane how these years are going by so quickly. When I was in elementary school I always felt that every year went by faster than the previous one. Since growing up, I never felt that way until having Mars. Especially being able to compare what he was like a year, or even two years ago, it seems that time is really speeding up. In reality, I think there are just too many things happening all at once and it gets hard to keep track so it feels like it's all going by so fast. If anyone is reading this (and thanks for reading if you are!) how do you live your life so that it doesn't flash by so quickly? This is something that I want to get better at. I mean, I think I'm pretty good at documenting moments and trying to stay mindful, but time is still speeding by! If anyone has any ideas, I'd love to hear them :) In the meantime, have a good weekend!