A Day at Home

Monday, March 30, 2015

The best days are the ones spent at home. We get to make baby crescents, play in the backyard, and count pinecones.

 Fuji Superia 200 Film

Going to the SF Zoo

Monday, March 30, 2015

Some pictures from when we went to the zoo a few weeks ago. All taken on 35mm film.

These flamingos looked pretty but smelled yucky.

His first time in a swing:

Exploring the baby play area:

One day, he'll be old enough for this:

Fuji Superia 200 Film

1 year, 1 month, 1 week, and 6 days old

Friday, March 27, 2015

Mars is still standing up on his own and starting to take 2-3 steps at a time. He is communicating with us all the time now by taking our hands and putting it on things he wants us to touch or do. My favorite is when he tries to crawl while holding my hand because he wants me to go to another side of the room to play. 

His favorite toy right now is the Boogie Bus. He wants us to push the button to make the bus shake and move, but as soon as we push the button, he crawls away from it because it's also very loud and scary. 

Last night, we FaceTimed with his cousin in So Cal, and he was having a shakey-shakey fest with her. It was so cute :) 

Have a good weekend, everyone!

1 year, 3 weeks, and 6 days old

Friday, March 13, 2015

This is from when we went on a hike in the Presidio last weekend:

With the Mary Blair floor tiles at the Walt Disney Family Museum. I want these floors to match the Mary Blair prints at home!:

This one looks like we stepped back into time:

Some notes from this week: He's been taking teeny baby steps lately and learning to stand up on his own. I think he'll be walking pretty soon. He also likes to tell us what he wants by taking our hands and putting it on the piano, his crackers, or the duck whistle we got from the Ride the Ducks tour. If his sock falls off, which happens often, and you ask, "Mars, where's your sock?", he'll look down at his feet, then look around for his sock. When he finds it, he has this look of pride and joy on his face. It's so cute, I wish I could bottle it up!

1 year, 2 weeks, and 6 days old

Friday, March 06, 2015

And yes, this is him standing all by himself in his new big boy shoes!

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