Happy Halloween! I hope everyone had a happy and safe one! As planned, we met up with two of Mars' baby friends at the mall. I think that was a rookie mommy mistake. The mall was crazy and jam-packed! There were long lines for trick-or-treating, and most stores had already run out of candy within five minutes. We ended up having an impromptu baby party inside of Target where the aisles were big enough for stroller parking. After about an hour or so, the baby friends were done and wanted to go home so we stopped by a Vietnamese restaurant for take-out. That's where Mars got his first trick-or-treat Halloween candy. And boy does this baby love candy! As you can see in the pictures, he loves crinkling the wrappers and chewing on the packaging... little does he know what the packages actually contain!
On our way home from tonight's Halloween excursion, I let Mars chew on my finger for a bit and I felt his first tooth just barely sticking out of his bottom gum! Pretty soon, his adorable toothless smile will no longer be toothless. Kind of bittersweet, but also makes me wonder what he's gonna look like with teeth!